Around Vancouver Island
British Columbia

August 2006

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Alert Bay - 6 Alert Bay - 70 Alert Bay - 11 Alert Bay - 32 Alert Bay - 67
Alert Bay - 46 Sointula Coop - Malcolm Island - 7 Malcolm Island - 11 Sointula/Malcolm Island - 1 Gold River - 1
Gold River - 6 Nootka Island trip - 1 Nootka Island trip - 95 Nootka Island - 86 Nootka Island - 19
Nootka Island trip - 107 Nootka Island trip - 119 Nootka Island trip - 131 From Denman - 1 From Denman - 9
Strait of Georgia - 10 Strait of Georgia - 14 Strait of Georgia - 25 Strait of Georgia - 19 Strait of Georgia - 17

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