Dennis Fox's Photo Galleries

This page is old!
My new photo site

organizes photos by theme and is easier to navigate.

Abstracts & Patterns (reflections, patterns, water, macros, bodyparts, other unusuals)
Political (photojournalism, control & resistance, social justice, political action)
Conventionalities (travel, landscapes, cityscapes, animals, plants...)
People  (portraits, kids)

New photo site

Old Main Photo Page
Permissions and Sales
Exhibited and Published

50 Very Old Favorites! [2007]


This old site's chronological format has become cumbersome.
You're welcome to look through it,
but check out the new space, too!

Listed separately - Israel/Palestine photo galleries
Separation Wall Qalandia Crossing 32008
Bil'in Surveillance

Western Wall & Dome of the Rock2004-2005

2010 & later.... now on my new photo site

... recent work and selected images from the past.   


Urban Reflection Cat Eyes Ice Reflection Manitoulin Rocks



DC PerfomerDC RallyAnti-War MarchDesmond Tutu

EyeMuddy San Miguel RiverWild TurkeyHummingbirdFlowers

Niagara FallsColoradoDenman Bikers



Colorado Hummingbird - 29Two DripsAmaryllusIsland Below

RockiesRunning FeetStreet GraffitiStowe Pond



Round PatternPlantPeopleProtestor with Drums




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Professing: Dennis Fox's Home Page
Critical Psychology, Law, Justice, Politics
Dennis Fox's Weblog
Personal and Political Observations

Page updated May 3, 2012