50 Favorites

"Favorites" as of 2007, at any rate...

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Abstracts & Patterns (reflections, patterns, water, macros, bodyparts, other unusuals)
Political (photojournalism, control & resistance, social justice, political action)
Conventionalities (travel, landscapes, cityscapes, animals, plants...)
People  (portraits, kids)

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Wild Turkey - 03 Hummingbirds 2007 - 059 copy Everglades - 25 Mating Dragon Flies Denman Ants - 33

Monty - 17 New Beard - 3 Muddy San Miguel - 44 Chair - 13 Denman Hike - 14

Barnes & Noble Table - 11 Worcester Ecotarium - 110 Worcester Ecotarium - 32 Nootka Spiderweb - 11 DNC Protest - 1

Tokyo Flowers Cape Cod - 3 Denman Island - 67 Mount Baker, Washington - 03 Sakurajima Volcano

No Photos! Boston Common Anti-War Rally - 56 Face-Off DNC Protest Boston - 2 DNC Delegates from Inside Zone

NYC Cop RNC Protests RNC Demo DC Anti-Occupation Rally - 233 DC Anti-Occupation Rally - 177

Boston Marathon - 50 Boston Marathon 2006 - 141 Kagoshima Kids Denman Blackberry Faire - 28 DC Gay Pride Festival - 37

Barnacles Ice-Fishing Hole Staircase Construction Sunken Garden - 10 Eye - 3

HIroshima Farm Worker Strait of Georgia Island - 17 Beavers - 52 Amaryllus 2006 - 18

Streamers 3 Greenhouses Brington and Cypress - 17 Mellon Fountain - 14 Denman Drops - 18

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Page updated May 3, 2012

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